2013年8月27日 星期二

Kanye West (Ft. KRS-One, Nas & Rakim) - Classic

2007年, Nike找來了超級大咖製作一首宣傳歌。除了由我心中最強的製作人DJ Premier操刀編曲,更找來了Rick Rubin(Wiki上面說有參與,但我不確定)一起製作。擔綱饒舌的是兩位80年代的經典--Rakim, KRS-One,還有Nas和Kanye,可說是全明星組合了!(可惜心中另外四位大咖已經上天堂了)。

Premier主要取樣Carl Douglas的Dance the Kung Fu(1975),實在是一首光聽Beat就可以爽一整天的好歌啊!

現在, 下一首歌我想要回到...
And now for my next number I'd like to return to the*1



[Kanye West]

Uh, uh, - timeless

[Kool G Rap]

現場演出, 只有經典
Live straight classic



[Kool G Rap]

現場演出, 只有經典
Live, straight classic

[Kanye West]



I'd like to return to the classic


Kanye West

[Rakim Sample]

我是Rakim, 緊握麥克風的成癮者
"I'm Rakim, the fiend of a microphone

[Verse 1: Rakim]

Uh yea, 你們都準備好迎接20-07了嗎?
Uh yea, is y'all ready for 20-07*2
It's now another drought
既然每個人都是殺手, 那為什麼我們還要害怕呢?
Everybody's a killer, why are we bugging out*3
Since '86 showin' the crowd what I'm about
And they still wanna know when the album coming out
去問問青少年們, 硬漢, 還有他們的孩子...
Ask the teenagers, OG's and ask the kids
What their definition of classic is
我如此永恆, 所以年紀並不列入計算
Timeless, so age don't count in the booth
When your flow stay submerged in the fountain of youth
別浪費力氣去質疑事實, 我永遠超越排行榜第一
Ain't no doubting the truth, I'm off the meters
每個人都同意這點, 就算是懷疑論者
Everybody cosigning, even non-believers
既然我是開先鋒者, 那必定是你們的領袖...
Since I came in the door became one of y'alls leaders*4
...穿著全新的Air Force One
In a fresh pair Air Force One sneakers
上城區的, 我們都稱他們Uppies, 當他們穿著AF1
Uptowns, we call em uppies, when they're on divas*5
Probably worn when KRS-One teaches*6
Nas made you look before the heaters*7
I bet you Kan' had em on when he walked with Jesus*8


[Verse 2: Kanye West]

You can't buy this Superfly-ness*9
像是光一樣耀眼, 你的王者我...
Like a shine is, your highness
...正表演著, 看看這歌詞有多長吧
Is performing, look how long the line is
我的實力不用多說, 當我做出這寫永恆流傳的音樂時就得證了
It's what happens when you make shit that's timeless
我朋友的實力不用多說, 他們可都是饒舌歌手的指標
It's what happens, these rappers is the pioneers
該如何成為傳奇, 就要像Nas看齊
What do it take to be a legend like Nas is
這遊戲充滿了新手, 而我是如此精美
That's so novice, I'm so polished
I got a right to be a lil bit snobbish
I did a lil bit of college
大概兩學期之後, 我就像Rob Base一樣退學了
Semesters, it took two like Rob Base*10
To let me figure out this wasn't my place
這節奏太慢, 當你聽的音樂終於跟上我腳步時
The beat's slow, til you listen to my pace*11
因為我實在太猛, 那也同時是證據
Cause I be killing shit, but that's evident
你們都會愛上, 但我早就預料到了
And y'all feeling it, but I expected it
如果這是經典的話, 那一定會永遠流傳
If it's classic, it's gon' last forever then
我會隨著音樂出現在每個你沒去過的地方, 我現在是前所未見之帥
I'm everywhere you never been, and better than I ever been


[Nas Samples - One Love & It Ain't Hard To Tell]

顧好地盤, 搞到最大
Hold the fort down, represent to the fullest
Nas會震撼全場... Nas'll rock well

[Verse 3: Nas]

看看我的毅力, 再看看假饒舌歌手
Perseverance, see the fake hustler rapper
對他們來說, 聽這首歌是很傷自尊的
To them, it hurts to hear this
Oh 你拿到白金唱盤了? 那很不錯啊
Oh you went platinum, yeah that's nice
Now let me see you do the same thing twice
然後是三次, 四次, 再更多次
Three times, four times, then a couple of mo' times
拜託, 你只是上過素人之夜而已, 現在是表演時間了喔
Please, you're Amateur Night, it's Showtime
你只有一輩子能活, 所以活得越精彩越好
It's one life to live, so live it the best you can
The world could use one less man
不夠多的空氣, 不夠多的汽車工廠
Not enough air, not enough car factories
To manufacture new vehicles, sedans and vans*12
當他們製造出你喜歡的好車, 通常口袋卻不夠深
When they do make the whip you like, your chips ain't right
等到你能負擔了, 車也不再重要了
By the time you could afford it, the car ain't important
在我住的這條街上, 它就像把槍械
In the streets I'm in, it's just iron*13
警察時常開火, 在我家附近
Cops keep firing, in my environment
讓你倒在血泊裡, 然後開車回家
Leaving you slumped, then they drive home
離黑人社區遠遠的, 兄弟們都恨不得幹掉他們
Far from the hood, brothers they eager to jump on
I like to be the wall that they toast up on
我想看著他們倒下, 為自己的所作所為感到內疚
I like to see them fall, guilty for doing wrong
我是像是AF1一樣是經典, 又帥又兇的鞋
I'm classic like the Air One's, the hustler shoe
那就是我習慣穿的, yeah
That's what I'm accustomed to, yeah

[Hook: Samples]

[KRS-One Sample]

"當然 - 我們有狂暴大師 KRS-One"
"Of course - we have Blastmaster KRS-One"

[Verse 4: KRS-One]

How many of y'all got Criminal Minded*14
你, 你, 你, 你們通通別變蒙蔽了
You, you, you, y'all don't be blinded
我, 我脖子上沒有戴著任何珠寶
Me, I got no jewels on my neck
為什麼? 我不需要它們就能得到你的尊敬
Why, I don't need em, I got your respect
KRS-One, 帥了20年
KRS-One, twenty years I rock
我為了JMJ和Scott La Rock奮鬥著
I do it for JMJ and Scott La Rock*15
這就是嘻哈 而且我們是個國度
This hip-hop and we's a nation
Don't you wanna hear more KRS-One on your radio station
Instead of broadcasting how we smoke them trees
On the radio we need to hear more local emcees*16
你在哪裡? 拜託, 你在哪?
Where you at?, c'mon where you at
This is the difference between emceeing and rap
假嘻哈狗嘴吐出的韻腳, 僅是一些非法的假叛逆詞彙
Rappers spit rhymes that are mostly illegal
Emcees spit rhymes to uplift their people
和平, 愛, 團結, 玩得開心
Peace, Love, Unity, havin' fun
These are the lyrics of KRS-One


*1 取樣自De La Soul的Plugin Tunin裡面的第一句


*2 就是2007年,我很怕拆開來會看不懂。(因為自己一開始就看不懂...)

*3 bug out是害怕的意思喔。這句前半段提到大家都是殺手的意思是,很多假饒舌都喜歡裝Gang,說自己是混過的。Rakim只好表示「反正這種攪和咖都能當殺手了,你還要怕喔?」 貨真價實的大佬!

*4 Rakim引用自己的第一首單曲"Eric B. is President"裡面的歌詞

"I came in the door, I said it before"

*5 Uptowns是Air Force One以前的綽號,因為住在紐約的人會去上城區「哈林」,當時的籃球聖地,購買鞋子。

*6 KRS-One的綽號之一是Tha Teacher。所以當然給他上課囉!

*7 Nas Made You a Look

*8 Rap Genius說這裡有暗示Air Force,可是我看不太出來。但是看得出來的是有呼應這首

*9 fly有潮、帥的意思,superfly就是超潮(?)。另外也是一部電影

*10 it took two是在呼應Rob Base的同名歌曲It Takes Two

*11 Kanye用節奏慢和他的歌詞快,來比喻大家跟不上他的腳步,他太前衛了。不是真的說這首歌節奏慢啦!

*12 譬喻之王Nas又寫了一堆隱晦到以為他在胡亂寫的暗喻。這裡的意思是說,這個世界太大了,不差你一個人。你要怎麼活,對世界都沒有太大的影響,照樣是做著一樣的事(生產汽車etc.)。所以你要怎麼活?很痛苦的活著?還是很快樂的活?

*13 iron是槍械的俚語之一。

*14 Criminal Minded是KRS-One的經典專輯,其中一句歌詞:
"Criminal minded, you been blinded, lookin' for a style like mine you can’t find it"

*15 Jam Master Jay & Scott La Rock是KRS-One的兩個好友。

*16 KRS-One這裡讓我有點尷尬,他把Rap當作假饒舌來用,Emcee當作真饒舌。尷尬尷尬......8/28 BR大為此補充:




和平, 愛, 團結, 玩得開心
Peace, Love, Unity, havin' fun
These are the lyrics of KRS-One



