[Intro: Big Sean]
I look up
Yeah我還有時間, 尼哥
Yeah and I take my time, nigga
我還可以慢慢來, whoa
I'mma take my time, whoa
我的舉動都是大動作, 尼哥
Power moves only, nigga*1
[Verse 1: Big Sean]
小子 我搞的是事業的事業, 喝的是利口的利口
Boy I'm 'bout my business on business, I drink liquor on liquor*2
我上的是女人的女人, yeah 我睡的是馬子疊成的上下鋪
I had women on women, yeah that's bunk bed bitches
我活到現在, 經驗過的事多到像是逍遙的八旬老人一樣
I've done lived more than an eighty year old man still kickin'
因為他們只是片斷地活著, 我則是腳踏實地地活
Cause they live for some moments, and I live for a livin'
But this for the girls who barely let me get to first base
On some ground ball shit
Cause now I run my city on some town hall shit*3
他們總祈禱我哪天會該死的往下跌 臭婊子, 渴望的像是在乾旱中求雨,但是,
They prayin' on my motherfuckin' downfall bitch, like a drought, but
你遲早會等到這雨的, 這可是五月的天氣啊
You gon' get this rain like it's May weather*4
G.O.O.D. Music, 瞬間切換「伊」月天
G.O.O.D. Music, Ye weather*5
Champagne just tastes better*6
他們說我永遠不會是「偶像男孩」, 永不說不
They told me I never boy, never say never
我發誓我的flow超特別, 從未見過, 像是嬰兒的第一步一樣
Swear flow special like an infant's first steps
我以前被債務追, 現在逆轉債務成為金錢
I got paid then reversed debts
最後我終於遇到了一個女孩, 把逆轉我的壓力成為快樂
Then I finally found a girl that reverse stress
所以現在我正和開膛手格林談判, 準備逆轉生死
So now I'm talkin' to the reaper to reverse death
Yep, 這樣我就能和爺爺相聚, 帶他去兜兜風
Yep, so I can kick it with my granddad, take him for a ride
給他看看我貨真價實的靠自己成功了, 不是還在打拼
Show him I made somethin' out myself and not just tried
給他看看我為家人買的房子, 帶他走進去逛逛
Show him the house I bought the fam, let him tour inside
無論我進步了多少, 我永遠感到落後
No matter how far ahead I get, I always feel behind
在我腦袋裡, 但是fuck只嘗試而不做
In my mind, but fuck tryin' and not doin'*7
Cause not doin' is somethin' a nigga not doin'
I said fuck tryin' and not doin'
Cause not doin' is somethin' a nigga not doin'
我聽著Eminem, B.I.G.和Pac長大, 結果被毀了
I grew up to Em, B.I.G. and Pac bitch, and got ruined*8
所以直到我搞到B.I.G.在Juicy MV裡面的房子之前...
So until I got the same crib B.I.G. had in that Juicy vid
婊子, 我可是不能停下我的腳步的啊
Bitch, I can't motherfuckin' stop movin'
你想跟我鬥, 那你永遠不會有不再輸我的一天
Go against me, you won't stop losin'
我來自那座天天是五月天的城市, 大腦噴濺四處
From the city where every month is May-Day at home, spray your dome*9
尼哥要被AK打成蜂窩是如此的簡單, 原因只為一些沒價值的支票或貸款
Niggas get sprayed up like AK was cologne for a paycheck or loan
Yeah 我知道這狗屁根本不公平
Yeah I know that shit ain't fair
他們說底特律已經沒有重生的機會了, 我們甚至連個市長都沒有
They say Detroit ain't got a chance, we ain't even got a mayor
你用Sharpie筆寫下你的名字, 我把我的名字寫在石頭上
You write your name with a Sharpie, I write mine in stone*10
我知道這世界是被人支配的, 而且不會被支配太久
I knew the world was for the taking and wouldn't take long
我們上了, 試著比那些比其他人厲害的人更厲害
We on, tryna be better than everybody that's better than everybody
底特律的代言人, 對抗大家, 底特律對抗大家
Rep Detroit, everybody, Detroit versus everybody*11
我是超屌頭等艙, 甚至可以對每個飛行員饒個舌
I'm so fuckin' first class, I could spit up on every pilot
這城市是我的「大都會市」, 感受一下, 那是我的新陳代謝
The city's my Metropolis, feel it, it's metabolic
And I'm over niggas sayin' they're the hottest niggas
然後只會找真的屌的尼哥混在一起, 裝作自己也很屌
Then run to the hottest niggas just to stay hot
我是其中一個真的屌的, 因為我像火滴一樣
I'm one of the hottest because I flame drop*12
投下火焰, 但不是因為我愛投下稱號, 投下名人堂
Drop fire, and not because I'm name dropping, Hall of Fame droppin'
還有我不會拿任何人的東西, 除非他是個純種痞子
And I ain't takin' shit from nobody unless they're OG's*13
Cause that ain't the way of a OG
所以我開始收集更多錢, 每分每腳都不放過
So I G-O collect more G's, every dollar
從來沒有變過, 我就是新版本的舊的我
Never changed though, I'm just the new version of old me*14
永遠對自己的所作感到驕傲, 但永遠不會變成冷腳丫
Forever hot headed but never got cold feet*15
從這遊戲的觀眾席站起, 永遠不會回頭看我先前的座位
Got up in the game won't look back at my old seats
這幫派太硬, 我們掌握著整條街道
Clique so deep we take up the whole street
我超迫切的需要一個妹子, 可以佔據我整個禮拜的妹子, Sean Don
I need a bitch so bad that she take up my whole week, Sean Don
(Bridge and Verse 2 are translated by CL)
[Bridge: Kendrick Lamar]
Miscellaneous minds are never explainin' their minds
Devilish grin for my alias aliens to respond
Peddlin' sin, thinkin' maybe when you get old you realize
I'm not gonna fold or demise
(I don't smoke crack, motherfucker I sell it!)
Everything I rap is a quarter piece to your melon
So if you have a relapse, just relax and pop in my disc
Don't pop me no fucking pill, I'mma a pop you and give you this
Tell Flex to drop a bomb on this shit
So many bombs, ring the alarm like Vietnam on this shit
So many bombs, make Farrakhan think that Saddam in this bitch
One at a time, I line them up and bomb on they mom while she watching the kids
I'm in a destruction mode if the gold exists
I'm important like the Pope, I'm a Muslim on pork
I'm Makaveli's offspring, I'm the king of New York*18
King of the Coast, one hand, I juggle them both
The juggernaut's all in your jugular, you take me for jokes
Live in the basement, church pews and funeral faces
Cartier bracelets for my women friends, I'm in Vegas
Who the fuck y'all thought it's supposed to be?
If Phil Jackson came back, still no coachin' me
I'm uncoachable, I'm unsociable, fuck y'all clubs
Fuck y'all pictures, your Instagram can gobble these nuts
Gobble dick up til you hiccup, my big homie Kurupt
This the same flow that put the rap game on a crutch (West x6)
I've seen niggas transform like villain Decepticons
Mollies'll prolly turn these niggas to fucking Lindsay Lohan
A bunch of rich ass white girls looking for parties
Playing with Barbies, wreck the Porsche before you give them the car key
Judgment to the monarchy, blessings to Paul McCartney
You called me a black Beatle, I'm either that or a Marley
(I don't smoke crack, motherfucker, I sell it)
I'm dressed in all black, this is not for the fan of Elvis
I'm aiming straight for your pelvis, you can't stomach me
You plan on stumpin' me? Bitch I’ve been jumped before you put a gun on me
甚至拔走你的槍,我是Sean Connery*23
Bitch I put one on yours, I'm Sean Connery
James Bonding with none of you niggas, climbing 100 mil in front of me
And I'm gonna get it even if you're in the way
And if you're in it, better run for Pete's sake
I heard the barbershops be in great debates all the time
誰是最好的MC?我? Jay-z? Nas?
Bout who's the best MC? Kendrick, Jigga and Nas
阿姆? Andre 3000? 剩下的歌手們...
Eminem, Andre 3000, the rest of y'all
New niggas just new niggas, don't get involved
And I ain't rocking no more designer shit
White T’s and Nike Cortez, this red Corvettes anonymous
I'm usually homeboys with the same niggas I'm rhymin' with
But this is hip-hop and them niggas should know what time it is
J.cole? Big KRIT, Wale?
And that goes for Jermaine Cole, Big KRIT, Wale
Pusha T, Meek Millz, A$AP Rocky, Drake?
Pusha T, Meek Millz, A$AP Rocky, Drake
Big Sean, Jay Electron', Tyler, Mac Miller?
Big Sean, Jay Electron', Tyler, Mac Miller
I got love for you all but I'm tryna murder you niggas
Trying to make sure your core fans never heard of you niggas
They don't wanna hear not one more noun or verb from you niggas
What is competition? I'm trying to raise the bar high
Who tryna jump and get it?
You're better off trying to skydive
Out the exit window of 5 G5’s with 5 grand
With your granddad as the pilot he drunk as fuck trying land
With the hand full of arthritis and popping prosthetic leg
Bumpin Pac in the cockpit so the shit that pops in his head
Is an option of violence, someone heard the stewardess said
That your parachute is a latex condom hooked to a dread
West Coast
[Verse 3: Jay Electronica]
You could check my name on the books*24
我「地, 風, 與火」了整段歌詞, 然後在聖經降下甘霖
I Earth, Wind, and Fire’d the verse, then rained on the hook*25
Dorothy Flowers的傳說從屋頂上宣告
The legend of Dorothy Flowers proclaimed from the roof*26
The tale of a magnificent king who came from the nooks
來自狂野的木蘭花社區, 眾多勇者的母親
Of the wild magnolia, mother of many soldiers
We live by every single word she ever told us
Watch over your shoulders
還有 隨時儲存一些罐頭食物, 因為天氣隨時都有可能變得糟糕
And keep a tin of beans for when the weather turns the coldest
主是我們的牧者, 所以使我們福杯滿溢
The Lord is our shepherd, so our cup runneth over*27
把你的信仰交給主, 但拴緊你的雪佛蘭
Put your trust in the Lord but tether your Chevy Nova*28
我正吐出一些猛貨, 確保統治這場遊戲
I’m spittin' this shit for closure*29
而神是我的見證者, 所以你可以去問問Jay-Z
And God is my witness, so you could get it from Hova
To all you magicians that’s fidgeting with the cobra*30
我像石頭一樣的沈靜, 因為我就是從石頭裡誕生的
I’m silent as a rock, ‘cause I came from a rock
這就是為什麼我一路持著石頭過來, 然後把我的名字簽在Roc上
That’s why I came with the rock, then signed my name on the Roc*31
在土地上畫上幾條線, 再把我的名字放上
Draw a line around some Earth, then put my name on the plot
Cause I endured a lot of pain for everything that I got
當心靈之雨降下時, 眼睫毛就如同雨傘一般
The eyelashes like umbrellas when it rains from the heart
而衛生紙就如同置身黑暗中, 獲得的天使之吻一樣
And the tissue is like an angel kissin you in the dark
你從盲目成了事後諸葛, 耶穌受難記
You go from blind sight to hindsight, passion of the Christ
對, 試著回到眾人目光的照耀下, 要將心靈導上正途需要時間
Right, to baskin' in the limelight, it take time to get your mind right
Jay Electricity, 是PBS謎團影集的代表人物
Jay Electricity, PBS mysteries*32
在高聳的雲端之上, 我和撒旦的糾纏貫穿了歷史
In a lofty place, tangling with Satan over history
你不能講屁話批評我 - 一切頌讚, 全歸真主
You can’t say shit to me - Alhamdulillah*33
It’s strictly by faith that we made it this far
*1 Big Sean近來獲得商業上的成功。這裡的意思是只說他的所作所為,都俱有相當的影響力,以及在這場饒舌遊戲中造成大反應。
*2 liquor其實就是酒啦,只是好像有「利口酒」這種中文翻譯,所以就沿用囉!
*3 Big Sean來自底特律。底特律的生活條件不是很理想,所以許多底特律人將Big Sean視為成功的象徵。有一說是Big Sean是底特律的「市長」(精神上)。
*4 因為那些忌妒者期望他失敗的心情就像是在乾旱中求雨一樣,而五月常下雨,他們恨不得哪天這場五月雨會來。這句同時可以寫成:
You gon' got reign like it's Mayweather
Mayweather指的是 Floyd Mayweather, Jr.拳擊手,擁有五個量級的冠軍(別問我什麼意思,這只是查來的,我也看不懂哈哈)。很厲害的意思啦!所以這句也可以解釋成「你會被我統治,像是Mayweather統治拳擊界一樣」
*5 Ye weather又是怎麼一回事呢?Ye指的就是Kanye。G.O.O.D. Music是Big Sean的工作室(或是大家愛說的「廠牌」?)
而這個工作室是Kanye West創立的,所以伊月天就是Big Sean渴望的五月天囉!
*6 其實這句應該大致上就是講他越來越有搞頭啦。但也有可能是出自Kanye在Primetime裡的歌詞:
Champagne I'm sipping on, the shit taste different, don't it?
You know what? You right
It's like the best damn champagne I had in my life
*7 承認我完全看無這幾句是怎樣。好像是某種廣告台詞?交由Punchline人解釋。倒是這邊講In my mind是在玩文字遊戲,因為前一句講到 ahead.就...head→mind...
*8 這邊我也稍稍霧煞煞。Rap Genius上面說Big Sean聽這些傳奇歌手長大,但卻因為模仿他們和他們的暴力行為(violence),給自己惹上了麻煩,所以他"got ruined"。但現在應該是指,因為他聽他們的歌,嘗試模仿他們的所作所為,所以應該得到和他們一樣的回報。 不太確定,交還給Punchline人。
*9 May-Day是軍用語,代表求救的意思。底特律的謀殺率在美國是數一數二的高,我查到的資料說,底特律警局表示2012年共有411起謀殺,其中386起是犯罪,25起是合理/可辯解(justifible)的謀殺。在這個城市裡,看來是所有人都很需要求救...may也呼應了前面的may weather。(謀殺案件數資料來源) 順帶一提,May-Day
好像是來自法語"Venez m'aider"(來幫我)的m'aider的發音。
*10 Sharpie是很厲害的麥克筆,號稱不會掉漆。你用Sharpie寫下你的名字,以為能永垂不朽,但是Big Sean可是把名字刻在石碑上,更永垂不朽!(雖然我是覺得Sharpie才真的會永垂不朽啦...)
*11 來自底特律的傢伙都很兇,像是Eminem, Royce Da5'9", Danny Brown。同時Detroit versus Everybody是個衣服品牌。
*12 flame drop到底是什麼,真的不懂。
*13 OG我好像提過,再解釋一次。OG就是Original ganster,純種痞子啦!!超Gang!附贈Urban Dictionary的講法,我有點懶得看。
*14 名氣和財富總是使人鬼迷心竅,但是Big Sean自稱不受影響,永遠 #做自己。
*15 cold feet是太內向的意思,不敢勇於追求自己的喜好,不敢勇敢 #做自己。
*16 如果粉絲想要買新的音樂,Kendrick就會努力做以累積財富。這裡有個政治性暗喻,Kendrick以粉絲想要為由正當化他的賺錢理由,很多國家卻以要帶給人民自由或民主去攻打另外一個國家,把自由民主做為賺錢的正當化理由,只要該地有黃金或石油存在(if the gold exists)的話……
*17 穆斯林不能吃豬肉,在此展現Kendrick不受控制外,也說他不會像與一般饒舌歌手做一樣的事,吸毒炫富。 *18 馬基維利應該指的是2Pac, 2Pac自稱是Makaveli(馬基維利的簡寫)
*17 穆斯林不能吃豬肉,在此展現Kendrick不受控制外,也說他
*20 Phil Jackson是nba的教練,在他執教期間馴服了許多野獸派球
*21 Kendrick不會玩那些新潮的社交玩意,他也想罵那些自拍上
*22 順便shout out一下他朋友Kurupt跟他的歌詞
*23 Sean Connery曾經被人用槍指著,他卻能卸下對方的槍,並把對方
*24 Elec的歌詞中充滿了許多宗教引用,像是這句的 "book" 就是指聖經。Elec自稱Elohim, 希伯來文的「神」、「眾神」,依使用的情境判定。希伯來文化中的信仰主要是一神信仰,所以是有至高無上的權力的。
*25 這邊也使用了Earth, Wind, And Fire的梗,像Nas在Nas Is Like裡面一樣。而後面「降下甘霖」,便是補足了最後一個元素「水」。
*26 Dorothy Flowers是Elec的祖母,常常出現在他的歌詞中,他希望能讓他祖母聲名遠播,像是在屋頂上一樣醒目。這邊也有呼應到前面「雨」的形象,Flower是需要雨來滋潤的,而來自木蘭社區的Elec也曾遭受卡崔娜的摧殘,被雨困在屋頂上。
*27 出自舊約聖經詩篇23章第五節:
*28 改編自穆汗默德的聖訓(Hadith):
" Put your trust in Allah, but tie your camel"
*29 原文是closure,關閉的意思。這句歌詞是說,他要用它的韻腳「關閉」這場遊戲,因為它已經統治了,沒有人能夠再推翻。
*30 Cobra有暗指Jay-Z,因為他的歌詞充滿了毒液,小心!
*31 這兩句歌詞用了一堆Rock。像是Jay-Z的音樂品牌Roc Nation,還有伊斯蘭的圓頂清真寺(Dome of the Rock)。從石頭裡誕生則是另一種謙虛的說法,描述自己是大地之子。
*32 PBS是美國的公共電視網,其中有個系列叫做"Masterpiece Mysteries"。
*33 Alhamdulillah 是阿拉伯文,意思是Praise to God。查了一下,好像中文翻譯成「一切頌讚,全歸真主」。