這次打頭陣的是收錄在專輯 Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z. 裡面的 Keep Ya Head Up。在電影Freedom Writers裡面也有出現過。然後電影也被惡搞過:
點我觀看 我不知道為甚麼不能直接連結影
Little somethin' for my godson Elijah and a little girl named Corinne
[Verse 1]
Some say the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice
我說越黑的皮肉 代表越淵遠的根源
I say the darker the flesh then the deeper the roots
I give a holla to my sisters on welfare
就算沒人在乎 2Pac我在乎
2Pac cares, if don't nobody else care
還有, 我知道他們老是喜歡對你拳腳相向*2
And, I know they like to beat you down a lot
每當妳從街口走出來時 老是被那些小子嘲笑*3
When you come around the block, brothers clown a lot
但請妳別哭 擦乾眼淚 別鬆懈
But please don't cry, dry your eyes, never let up
原諒但不遺忘 女孩, 妳得昂首闊步
Forgive but don't forget, girl, keep your head up
記住 他罵你甚麼都不是時, 別相信他*4
And when he tells you you ain't nothin', don't believe him
他不能學會愛妳的話, 妳該直接離開他
And if he can't learn to love you, you should leave him
因為我的女孩, 妳不需要他
Cause sister, you don't need him
我不是在呼嚨妳*19 我只是告訴妳我看見的一切
And I ain't tryin' to gas ya up, I just call 'em how I see 'em
You know what makes me unhappy
就是當男人完事後走人 又讓一個年輕媽媽獨自扶養小孩
When brothers make babies, and leave a young mother to be a pappy
And since we all came from a woman
從那裡得到名字 在那裡得到照顧*5
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman
I wonder why we take from our women
為什麼我們要強暴她們 為什麼我們要恨她們
Why we rape our women, do we hate our women
I think it's time to kill for our women
是時候好好照顧她們 對她們真誠
Time to heal our women, be real to our women
And if we don't we'll have a race of babies
他們只會恨這些淑女並強暴他們 像我們一樣
That will hate the ladies that make the babies
And since a man can't make one
He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one
So will the real men get up
我知道淑女妳們都受夠了, 但妳們得昂首闊步
I know you're fed up ladies, but keep your head up
[Refrain x2]
昂首闊步吧 ooh 孩子 一切都會好轉的
Keep ya head up, ooh, child, things are gonna get easier
昂首闊步吧 ooh 孩子 未來會更明亮的
Keep ya head up, ooh, child, things'll get brighter
[Verse 2]
Aiyyo, 我記得馬文蓋伊*7以前習慣對我唱歌
Aiyyo, I remember Marvin Gaye used to sing to me
He had me feelin' like black was the thing to be
And suddenly the ghetto didn't seem so tough
雖然生活常常不盡人意 但我們總是能有擁有足夠的
And though we had it rough, we always had enough
我以前總是和朋友混在一起 偶爾觸犯校規*10
I huffed and puffed about my curfew and broke the rules
要逃跑也是一起 有時抽一兩根菸
Ran with the local crew and had a smoke or two
And I realize Momma really paid the price
She nearly gave her life to raise me right
And all I had to give her was my pipe dream
Of how I'd rock the mic and make it to the bright screen
I'm tryin' to make a dollar out of fifteen cents
但是違法的是本來就不能合法 而我還無力償還租約*13
It's hard to be legit and still pay the rent
到了最後 我還是只能拿著那一吋短的鉛筆*14
And in the end it seems I'm headin' for the pen
我試著找過我的朋友 但多數都已隨風而去*15
I try to find my friends but they're blowin' in the wind
Last night my buddy lost his whole family
我真的需要成為一個真男人 來面對這些瘋狂
It's gonna take the man in me to conquer this insanity
It seems the rain'll never let up
我試著昂首闊步 試著不要把身體躺入這淌渾水*16
I try to keep my head up and still keep from gettin' wet up
你知道 雨要下總是傾盆 就是這麼好玩*17
You know it's funny when it rains it pours
政府有錢能打仗 沒錢能餵飽窮人
They got money for wars but can't feed the poor
人們老是說年輕人都沒有什麼希望 還說事實就是
Say there ain't no hope for the youth and the truth is
It ain't no hope for the future
And then they wonder why we crazy
I blame my mother for turning my brother into a crack baby
彷彿暗示著我們生死早已有定 該死就是該死
We ain't meant to survive cause it's a setup
And even though you're fed up
Huh, 你還是得昂首闊步
Huh, ya got to keep your head up
[Refrain x2]
[Verse 3]
And uh, to all the ladies havin' babies on they own
我知道日子有點苦 而你感到很孤單
I know it's kinda rough and you're feelin' all alone
爸爸離開家很久了 只剩下你和你的寂寞
Daddy's long gone and he left you by your lonesome
感謝上帝給了我孩子 就算沒有人想要他們
Thank the Lord for my kids, even if nobody else want 'em
Cause I think we can make it, in fact, I'm sure
還有如果你跌倒了 重新站起來就好 還要再度挑戰 別放棄
And if you fall, stand tall and come back for more
Cause ain't nothin' worse than when your son
Wants to know why his daddy don't love him no mo'
You can't complain you was dealt this
獨自一人承受 沒有男人 感到如此的無助
Hell of a hand without a man, feelin' helpless
因為還有太多的事妳得面對了 妳沒時間抱怨
Because there's too many things for you to deal with
就算心裡已枯死 但妳依舊看起來無所畏懼
Dyin' inside, but outside you're looking fearless
While tears is rollin' down your cheeks
Ya steady hopin' things don't fall down this week
因為如果發生了 妳無法面對 而妳也不能怪我
Cause if it did, you couldn't take it, and don't blame me
I was given this world I didn't make it
現在我兒子*19已經越長越大 越來越冷漠
And now my son's gettin' older and older and cold
From havin' the world on his shoulders
While the rich kids is drivin' Benz
I'm still tryin' to hold on to surviving friends
對 這世界太瘋狂了 而且看起來永遠不會好轉 但
And it's crazy, it seems it'll never let up, but
拜託, 請你繼續昂首闊步
Please, you got to keep your head up
*1 2Pac在強調黑是很美麗的。這句話可能是來是 Jungle Brothers的歌曲"Black Woman"的歌詞"the darker the berry, the sweeter the juice"。同時The Blacker the Berry也是Wallace Thurman的小說,描寫黑人生活的。
*2 這裡不是真的指肢體上的拳腳相向,比較是語言上的暴力
*3 Clown當動詞,嘲笑
*4 不用相信他,因為妳自己知道自己的價值
*5 get our game不是指得到遊戲喔,Rap Genius上面說這裡的Game當作扶養長大。說真的,Game這個詞會是多受黑人青睞...有超多用法的...
*6 Kill for women源自Malcolm X的演講,說道"respect our woman, protect our woman (…) if someone molests our woman, we will kill you for our woman”
*7 Marvin Gaye,靈魂歌手
*8 這裡不太會翻,可能不太正確
*9 ghetto,說自己嘻哈當然要知道這個字。Ghetto原本是指二戰時的猶太貧民,後來黑人以此自稱。
*10 huff and puff不是很會翻,可能不太正確
*11 pipe dream是白日夢。Rap Genius說這邊有個文字遊戲是pipe和rock的關係,可是這我真的不懂了,也沒查到。
*12 這是最頭痛的註解...這句話的意思就是販毒。毒品的氾濫由西岸開始到東岸,最嚴重的氾濫是在紐約。太多窮人想要致富了,所以就靠這個方法想賺點quick money。因為80年代初期毒品的擴散,使純古柯鹼的價格大大下跌,毒犯又發現了一個新招是把可樂和蘇打粉一起煮成Crack cocaine(快克)。所以就能用15分錢這樣的低廉成本賺到一塊錢的利潤。這一句令一個可能的意思就只是他有一些大麻,想賣掉賺點錢。
*13 他無法靠這樣種違法的行為賺到錢,甚至負債
*14 Pen是監獄的俚語。可是我翻這樣是為了向宋岳庭致敬!!
*15 不是說他朋友背叛他啦,是說他朋友不是被抓就是被幹掉了
*16 我發現這其實滿直白的,反正就是不想再繼續和暴力還有犯罪牽扯上關係了。
*17 禍不單行啦,不是說美國永遠只有大雨沒有小雨
*18 他不是自願出生在這種「社會」中,所以其實他是藉著不要罵他來表示貞的禍首是社會本身。真有社會學素養。
*19 gas up是說謊呼嚨的意思
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