2013年7月25日 星期四

Nas - Nas Is Like

1999年,收錄在第三張專輯”I Am...“  Nas Is Like是一首使用了大量譬喻、引用的饒舌作品。其實整首歌的主題就是自誇啦,Nas is like everything一句話就能完美翻譯整首歌了(?)

由DJ Premier操刀,主要取樣John V. Rydgren和Bob R. Way的What Child Is This,神奇的把緩慢悠美的前奏變成節奏感十足的嘻哈樂,實在不得不佩服Premier的實力!!

[Verse 1]
自由或監禁, 插入彈匣, 一個生命誕生
Freedom or jail, clip's inserted, a baby's being born
同時另個人被謀殺, 是起始和終結*1
Same time a man is murdered, the beginning and end
隨著饒舌的行進, 我只是很自然的在闡述這些
As far as rap go, it's only natural I explain
還有, 我的水準, 定義了我的名字*2
My plateau, and also, what defines my name
最初是Nasty, 但時代變了*3
First it was Nasty, but times have changed
現在問我, 我依舊是那個藝術家, 但是硬派, 我的學問是研究痛苦*4
Ask me now, I'm the artist, but hardcore, my science for pain
我將時間花在這遊戲上, 心力放在名氣上*5
I spent time in the game, kept my mind on fame
親眼目睹朋友施打毒品*6 用鼻子吸古柯鹼*7
Saw fiends shoot up and do lines of cocaine
看見我好友*8中彈, 心電圖停了, 難道是我已喪失理智?
Saw my close friends shot, flatline am I sane?
那意思是, 我得隨時帶著Mac-10*9來磨練瞄準功力
That depends, carry Mac-10's to practice my aim
在屋頂上, 我把CD封面黏在樹上
On rooftops, tape cd covers to trees
將槍管和你的遜照連成一條線 然後扣下扳機*10
Line the barrel up with your weak picture then squeeze
Street scriptures for lost souls, in the crossroads
To the corner thugs hustling for cars that cost dough
給那些生活闊氣的鉅子*13 錢源*14不斷流向他們
To the big dogs living large, taking in light
催著這些大玩具*, 玩到茫, 享受著你的生活
Pushing big toys, getting nice, enjoying your life
生活就是你做的每件事, 少數人會選擇自殺
Is what you make it, suicide, few try to take it
在監獄裡裸著身體, 皮帶繞頸
Belt tied around their neck in jail cells naked
天堂或地獄都是自己選的*15, 我這饒舌傳說的存在已無法忽視
Heaven and hell, rap legend, presence is felt
當然 N - A - S 是三個字母,構成所謂...
And of course N - A - S are the letters that spell

[Scratched Hook]
"Nas就如同生死一樣... 我是個叛逆份子..."*16
"Nas is like life or death.. I'm a rebel.. "
"我的詩都無比深奧, 從不遜色..."
"My poetry's deep, I never fell.."

"Nas is like.. half man half amazing.."
"No doubt.."

[Verse 2]
"Nas就像..."地, 風與火*18, 輪框和輪胎
"Nas is like.." Earth Wind & Fire, rims and tires
像防彈玻璃, 玻璃內側坐著最貨真價實的駕駛*19
Bulletproof glass, inside is the realest driver
像是軌道上的星球, 我把它們和星星連線*20
Planets in orbit, line 'em up with the stars
像是塔羅牌, 你可以透過它看見法老Nas
Tarot cards, you can see the pharaoh Nas
"Nas就像..."鐵人麥克*21, 彌賽亞儀式
"Nas is like.." Iron Mike, messiah type
超越了基督, 超脫了死亡
Before the Christ, after the death
身為最後一個活下的, 我把錢拿去投資在股票*22
The last one left, let my cash invest in stock
Came a along way from blasting, tecs on blocks
從Seiko戴到Rolex, 從住在...
Went from Seiko to Rolex, owning acres
沒有薯片的國民住宅區, 到擁有超大的蛋糕*24
From the projects with no chips, to large cake though(dough)
完美的妹子, 幫我咬, 那可是價值7個0*25
Dimes, giving fellatio, siete zeros
沒錯, 我的9毫米會為了錢而吐出子彈
Bet my nine spit for the pesos
但是這些財富和東西, 不能一起帶到地下世界
But what's it all worth, can't take it with you under this Earth
哪個冥府的富人沒試過, 但沒有一個成功
Rich men died and tried, but none of it worked
只會讓你的墳墓被盜, 相較之下我寧願活著把錢花了
They just rob your grave, I'd rather be alive and paid
在死神喊到我的號碼之前*26, 歷史便已成定局*27
Before my number's called, history's made
其他人會失敗, 但我會矗立, 永遠的貧民風格*28
Some'll fall, but I rise, thug or die
做出抉擇, 在天空之下左右著我的未來
Making choices, that determine my future under the sky
搶劫、偷竊、謀殺, 真的為了錢有必要這樣嗎?
To rob steal or kill, I'm wondering why
人生是個黑箱遊戲, 勝者真的應得那些名聲嗎?
It's a dirty game, is any man worthy of fame?
我比你成功多了, 就算你是討厭我的人, 只會貶低我
Much success to you, even if you wish me the opposite
等著瞧, 不久之後我們就會知道誰才是那位預言者*29
Sooner or later we'll all see who the prophet is

[Scratched Hook]

[Verse 3]
"Nas就像..." 性愛對於色情狂, 但可不像糖果那樣*30
"Nas is like.." Sex to a nympho, but nothing sweet
我就像是塊牛肉*31, 把火熱傳透你的窗戶
I'm like beef, bustin heat through your windows
我像隻掃街機*32, 綠葉吸食者*33
I'm like a street sweeper, green leaf breather
像是在埃及的希臘人*34, 向他們的老師學習深奧的智慧
Like Greeks in Egypt, learning somethin deep from they teachers
我就像是犯罪一樣, 像是你的9毫米一樣, 是致命般重要的存在
I'm like crime, like your nine, your man you would die for
你永遠離不開我, 我就像是你老爸*35, 死了你會痛哭
Always got you, I'm like Pop Duke you would cry for
我就像是一大筆的現金, 一大把的鈔票
I'm like a whole lot of loot, I'm like crisp money
Corporate accounts from a rich company
我就像是淑女們的狂喜, 我就像是所有種族
I'm like ecstasy for ladies, I'm like all races
集於一人, 像是99年的Summer Jam*36
Combined in one man; like the '99 summer jam
Bulletproof Hummer man
我就像是被鎖在一個充滿陌生人的地方,  但是沒一個是家人*37
I'm like being locked down around new faces, and none of 'em fam
I'm the feeling of a millionaire spending a hundred grand
我是窮人的夢*39, 一個街頭詩人
I'm a poor man's dream, a thug poet
Live it and I write down and I watch it blow up
你知道我是怎樣一個人, 因為你每晚都會播放我的音樂
Y'all know what I'm like, y'all play it your system every night

[Scratched Hook]

*1 Nas開門見山的告訴大家,整首歌都會用這種生滅相形說的理論譜寫。一生就有一滅,兩元並行(Juxtaposition)

*2 其實Nas的意思是他的藝名決定了他的作品品質。Nas造成大轟動的第一張專輯Illmatic是以Nasty Nas的名義發表。接下來的專輯It Was Written卻沒有達到大家的期待,他解釋說是因為他改以Nas Escobar的名義發表。順帶一提,Escobar源自於一位超級大毒犯Pablo Escobar(1949-1993),靠販毒在1989年的富布斯富豪榜排全球第七......

*3 他不再強調Nasty的名稱了

*4 這邊是引自歌手Prince(1958-),他在93年到2000間把藝名改成了一個不能念的符號,所以當時稱呼為"The Artist"(藝人或藝術家)。意思是說就算像Prince,藝名有變化,但還是同樣一個"Artist"。還有,"My science for pain"讀音與"My SING's for pain"相同。他的意思是說,Prince的這個符號藝名意旨是「愛」,但是Nas只是純粹的代表苦痛,那些他經歷過的事情。

*5 Nas出道一段時間之後,一直被說太主流了,和一開始的Nasty風格不同了。他只好說其實沒有。另一個意思是他雖然Spent time in the game(drug dealing),但是依舊kept him mind on fame(Hip-Hop music)

*6 Shoot up=靜脈注射毒品,不是開槍打人喔

*7 do line=把粉用卡刮一刮,排成一條線吸掉。不是排隊買古柯鹼(一開始差點翻成這樣)

*8 Nas的好朋友Ill Will在92年被槍殺

*9 Mac-10不是十台Mac喔~(雖然我現在超想買的),是一把衝鋒槍啦,CS常用(?)

*10 這邊意思就是他為了練槍法,把CD當作標把來打。同時暗示著爛MC準備被他修理一頓。

*11 Car that cost dough,Dough是錢的一個俚語。

*12 說真的有沒有thug的好翻譯?一直用七逃仔太弱了啦哈哈哈哈哈哈

*13 Big dog,其實是指各個場域的精英份子,只是找不太到一個適宜的中文,要不是太專業就是太隨便。最後翻了鉅子...應該還OK啦...?Nas應該是指販毒的頭頭

*14 light這邊的用法跟中文超像的哈哈。借個光=借個錢

*15 Heaven and Hell這邊是再次強調他的Juxtaposition。

*16 刷碟是來自自己的歌It Aint' Hard To Tell

*17 Amazing應該翻驚奇就好,指是念起來很怪,所以我翻成神話。

*18 一開始以為只是元素,但是少了一個很怪,查了才發現是一個團體Earth, Wind & Fire。好像黑人滿愛Rims and Tires...所以有了它們生命就完整了(?)

*19 我突然發現這句沒甚麼好講的...可是刪掉的話還要調號碼...我累了...

*20 純粹要抱怨一下,也用太多次line up了吧!!!!!!

*21 Mike Tyson 

不過傢伙跳出來說Iron Mike是泰森盜用他的綽號,我是覺得他只是來亂的啦哈哈

*22 接下來幾句都在諷刺富人。都是最後一個活著的了你還要去花錢投資喔?被錢蠱惑太深了吧!

*23 tecs...很熟悉?講Tec-9就想起來了吧?

*24 這邊巧妙的把食物和金錢連在一起雙關。Chip可以指小錢、Cake可以指大錢。後面那個字到底是though還是dough在Rap Genius上有討論。Though的話合文意也合文法,dough也有錢的意思,也不一定不對?

*25 純粹吹牛的一句歌詞...dimes指天仙般的美女。fellatio...恩...查一下就知道了,注意後面有沒有人。

*26 語句中沒有死神啦,但是這邊的意思就是他的時辰到了,換到他的「號碼」辦理上天堂或下地獄手續了。

*27 就算他死了,他是饒舌傳奇之一這件事已成定局。

*28 thug or die...不太知道怎麼翻耶.....Rap Genius上只寫說他會永遠矗立,保持一貫風格。

*29 這句可能只是Nas在膨風,也可能是呼應前面"Before Chris, after Death"這邊有關聖經的用法,指的是主的在臨之日。

*30 他的音樂很好,但是小心,聽多了可是會上癮的!!

*31 beef,大家都要說一下beef,但是多少人知道意思呢?beef指的是跟人起衝突或是搞心結。這邊Nas用字面上的意思,形容自己是一塊燒燙燙的牛肉,把火熱傳進你的體內,同時暗示他很會搞Beef,每件事都搞得沸沸揚揚(?)。



*34 有一派說法是希臘文化其實是源自於埃及文化。這句話也呼應了專輯的法老概念,前幾句也有出現。也可能指亞歷山大征服埃及,象徵現今世界的種族融合。

*35 Pop duke是老爸的意思,滿酷的俚語哈哈哈

*36 Summer Jam是東岸每年的一個嘻哈節慶。99年那次Nas轟動全場,所以他回味無窮(?)

*37 這裡Nas好像只是想描寫一種感覺,就是「人生地不熟」,大家都會因為這種感覺而不安,他也是。為甚麼寫這句?我不懂......

*38 百萬富翁花十萬元。爽。

*39 他以前也是個窮小子,他現在賺了不少錢,人活著還是有夢的!

*40 Rap Genius上寫Jay-Z會嗆這句歌詞,並附了連結。這邊不多做贅述(我還沒認真讀哈哈哈哈)

*41 取樣自Biz Markie的"Nobody Beats The Biz",原本那句話是"Highly recognized",取其中Nas的音(2:06)

* Big toy=好車啦~大玩具當然就是好車~

2013年7月23日 星期二

2Pac - Thugz Mansion

這首歌收錄在2Pac死後的專輯"Better Days",原版也收錄在同張專輯裡。不知道是2Pac已預見自己將不久於人世,所以預錄了這首歌還是怎樣的,這歌感覺就像是現在真的已在Thugz Mansion的2Pac在那裏為我們錄下來的。裡面用了一個平淡的口吻,描寫著他們夢想的天堂,卻又深刻的傳達了當下的黑人社會是多麼的混亂和困苦。我很喜歡,尤其是只用吉他伴奏,真的是百聽不厭。

Shit, tired of gettin shot at
靠, 已經厭倦中彈的感覺了
Tired of gettin chased by the police and arrested
Niggas need a spot where WE can kick it
A spot where WE belong, that's just for us
一個我們的歸宿 就只有我們
Niggas ain't gotta get all dressed up and be Hollywood
我們可以不用再偽裝自己 像好萊塢那樣*2
Y'knahmean? Where do niggas go when we die?
Ain't no heaven for a thug nigga
That's why we go to thug mansion
That's the only place where thugs get in free and you gotta be a G
那是唯一一個貧民可以放鬆的地方 但你得是個G*4才行
... at thug mansion

[Verse 1: 2Pac]
A place to spend my quiet nights, time to unwind
一個能讓我靜靜度過一晚 能夠撫平
So much pressure in this life of mine, I cry at times
我生命中數不盡壓力的地方 我數度哭泣
I once contemplated suicide, and woulda tried
有次還想要自殺 而且真的試了
But when I held that 9, all I could see was my momma's eyes
但當我持著那槍*5時 我眼前只看見了媽媽的雙眼
No one knows my struggle, they only see the trouble
沒人真的瞭解我的苦難 他們只看見我惹的麻煩
Not knowin it's hard to carry on when no one loves you
Picture me inside the misery of poverty
No man alive has ever witnessed struggles I survived
Prayin hard for better days, promise to hold on
我用力的為了更好的日子祈禱 承諾會撐下去
Me and my dawgs ain't have a choice but to roll on
我和我的死黨*6沒有選擇 只能走下去
We found a family spot to kick it
Where we can drink liquor and no one bickers over trick shit
我們能在那盡情的喝酒 不用再忍受那些爾虞我詐
A spot where we can smoke in peace,
and even though we G's
We still visualize places, that we can roll in peace
And in my mind's eye I see this place, the players go in fast
而且我的心眼看到了這個地方 所有的遊子都期盼的地方
I got a spot for us all, so we can ball, at thug's mansion
這地方是屬於我們大家的 所以盡情跳舞吧 在這個貧民的莊園

[Hook: J. Phoenix] + (Nas)
Every corner, every city
每個街角, 每座城市
There's a place where life's a little easy
Little Hennessy, laid back and cool
Little Hennessy*8 放鬆的喝著
Every hour, cause it's all good
Leave all the stress from the world outside
Every wrong done will be alright (I wanna go)
每個犯過的錯都獲得原諒 (我想要去)
Nothin but peace (I wanna go) love (I wanna go nigga)
就只有 和平 (我想要去) 愛 (我想要去那)
And street passion, every ghetto needs a thug mansion
還有街頭情懷 每個貧民都需要貧民莊園

[Verse 2: Nas]
A place where death doesn't reside, just thugs who collide
一個死亡不存在的地方 只有我們這些七逃的
Not to start beef but spark trees, no cops rollin by
不再鬥爭 而是點燃大麻*9 沒有巡邏
No policemen, no homicide, no chalk on the streets
沒有警察 沒有謀殺 沒有地板上的粉筆跡*10
No reason, for nobody's momma to cry
沒有理由 讓誰的媽媽哭泣
See I'm a good guy, I'm tryin to stick around for my daughter
看吧 我是個好人 試著陪在女兒身邊
But if I should die, I know all of my albums support her
但萬一我死了 我知道我的專輯可以養活她
This whole year's been crazy, asked the Holy Spirit to save me
這整年都太瘋狂了 我向聖靈求祂救我
Only difference from me and Ossie Davis, gray hair maybe
Cause I feel like my eyes saw too much sufferin
I'm just twenty-some-odd years, I done lost my mother
And I cried tears of joy, I know she smiles on her boy
可是我喜極而泣 我知道她正在天上對我笑著
I dream of you more, my love goes to Afeni Shakur
我更常夢見妳 我的愛現在寄託在Afeni Shakur*12
Cause like Ann Jones, she raised a ghetto king in a war
因為她就像Ann Jones*13 扶養起了一位貧民之王
And just for that alone she shouldn't feel no pain no more
就因為這理由 她不該再感到任何苦痛
Cause one day we'll all be together, sippin heavnly champagne
因為總有一天 我們會再次相聚 啜著天堂般的香檳
Where angels soar, with golden wings in thug's mansion
那裡會有舞著金翅膀的天使翳入天際 在那貧民的莊園
[Hook] w/o Nas

[Verse 3: 2Pac]
Dear momma don't cry, your baby boy's doin good
親愛的媽媽請別再哭泣 你的寶貝現在過得很好
Tell the homies I'm in heaven and they ain't got hoods
幫我轉告死黨們 我已在天堂 這裡沒有貧民窟
Seen a show with Marvin Gaye last night, it had me shook
昨晚和馬文蓋伊看了一場秀 啓發了我
Drippin peppermint Schnapps, with Jackie Wilson, and Sam Cooke
和傑克威爾森*14和山姆庫克*15喝著peppermint Schnapps
Then some lady named Billie Holiday
Sang sittin there kickin it with Malcolm, 'til the day came
然後名為比莉哈樂黛*16的淑女坐在這唱歌 和麥爾坎*17一起放鬆到了天亮
Little Latasha sho' grown
Tell the lady in the liquorstore that she's forgiven, so come home
小拉塔莎*18應該已長大了 並告訴那間酒店的淑女她原諒她了 所以回家吧
Maybe in time you'll understand only God can save us
When Miles Davis cuttin lose with the band
Just think of all the people that you knew in the past
That passed on, they in heaven, found peace at last
他們已在天堂 終於得到平和
Picture a place that they exist, together
There has to be a place better than this, in heaven
So right before I sleep, dear God, what I'm askin
所以親愛的主啊 在我睡著之前我只要求
Remember this face, save me a place, in thug's mansion
記住這張臉 幫我保留個位子 在貧民的莊園*20

*1 kick it不是指「踢它」,是放鬆,chill out的俚語

*2 Hollywood是假的。意思是裝的自己都不像自己。也有另一個用法是指幫punani除草的人......

*3 mansion本意最接近別墅,可是這樣翻好像怪怪的。翻天堂也對,因為2Pac有說這不是天堂。只是一個Gangster可以得到平和的地方。

*4 G=Gangster

*5 9=9釐米手槍(90手槍)

*6 dawg是俚語,字典沒有的那種。意思是死黨。別聽成dog......

*7 gangster到底如何翻比較好我真的無法找的恰當的,痞子?只好先翻一個台灣味十足的名稱。請提供更好的翻譯!

*8 Little Hennessy不是人喔,是調酒。Hennessy我查是軒尼詩,至於little Hennessy這調酒的中文...我查不到...

*9 spark trees千萬別以為是閃亮亮的樹...tree在這裡是指大麻。
↑Urban Dictionary說叫tree是因為a "dank" of marijuana長的很像tree...我不確定我找的圖片有沒有錯

*10 粉筆輪廓 

*11 Ossie Davis 一個演員,同時也是社運份子。

*12 Afeni Shakur, 2Pac的媽媽。 

*13 Ann Jones可能是指Nas的媽媽。Raised a ghetto king in a war.裡頭的king搭配這個解釋就是Nas的意思。如果是另一個寫The War Is Not Over When It's Over的作者Ann Jones也有可能,只是可能不太大。

*15 Sam Cooke 

*16 Billie Holiday  

*17 有專心的就知道麥爾坎是說誰。

*18 Little Latasha 一宗兇殺案。一個小女孩在酒店被韓裔女子殺死。


*19 這句我翻得怪怪的。Rap Genius上面的意思是: 你不相信上帝,簡直就跟Miles Davis不再和樂團一起演出了一樣扯。2Pac這樣寫的意思應該是說,你終於理解只有上帝能救我們時,是Miles Davis不在和樂團一起演出時,這樣也太扯了,不可能發生。你一直都該知道只有上帝能救我們。 可能需要高手幫翻這句。

*20 Rap Genius上面寫說這裡有一些聖經典故,可是我覺得有點過度解釋。也可能是因為我不懂聖經啦,有興趣的人就自己去找來看看吧!

2013年7月18日 星期四

2Pac - Keep Ya Head Up

Tupac Shakur(1971-1996)這位東岸(紐約)出身的西岸歌手,可以說是饒舌界的傳奇之一也不為過。曾經破了最多專輯銷售量金氏紀錄的2Pac,在93年的槍擊事件之後頻繁的進出錄音室,錄了許多作品,他知道他的生命隨時會被奪走。在他活躍的那段期間,他引起了最大的東西岸鬥爭,東岸代表是Notorious B.I.G. (Biggie Smalls)。兩個人吵翻天,最後2Pac決定把東岸罵過一整輪......有空再翻這首哈哈哈



這次打頭陣的是收錄在專輯 Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z. 裡面的 Keep Ya Head Up。在電影Freedom Writers裡面也有出現過。然後電影也被惡搞過:
 點我觀看 我不知道為甚麼不能直接連結影



Little somethin' for my godson Elijah and a little girl named Corinne

[Verse 1]

Some say the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice

我說越黑的皮肉 代表越淵遠的根源
I say the darker the flesh then the deeper the roots

I give a holla to my sisters on welfare

就算沒人在乎 2Pac我在乎
2Pac cares, if don't nobody else care

還有, 我知道他們老是喜歡對你拳腳相向*2
And, I know they like to beat you down a lot

每當妳從街口走出來時 老是被那些小子嘲笑*3
When you come around the block, brothers clown a lot

但請妳別哭 擦乾眼淚 別鬆懈
But please don't cry, dry your eyes, never let up

原諒但不遺忘 女孩, 妳得昂首闊步
Forgive but don't forget, girl, keep your head up

記住 他罵你甚麼都不是時, 別相信他*4
And when he tells you you ain't nothin', don't believe him

他不能學會愛妳的話, 妳該直接離開他
And if he can't learn to love you, you should leave him

因為我的女孩, 妳不需要他
Cause sister, you don't need him

我不是在呼嚨妳*19 我只是告訴妳我看見的一切
And I ain't tryin' to gas ya up, I just call 'em how I see 'em

You know what makes me unhappy

就是當男人完事後走人 又讓一個年輕媽媽獨自扶養小孩
When brothers make babies, and leave a young mother to be a pappy

And since we all came from a woman
從那裡得到名字 在那裡得到照顧*5
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman

I wonder why we take from our women

為什麼我們要強暴她們 為什麼我們要恨她們
Why we rape our women, do we hate our women

I think it's time to kill for our women

是時候好好照顧她們 對她們真誠
Time to heal our women, be real to our women

And if we don't we'll have a race of babies

他們只會恨這些淑女並強暴他們 像我們一樣
That will hate the ladies that make the babies

And since a man can't make one

He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one

So will the real men get up

我知道淑女妳們都受夠了, 但妳們得昂首闊步
I know you're fed up ladies, but keep your head up

[Refrain x2]

昂首闊步吧 ooh 孩子 一切都會好轉的
Keep ya head up, ooh, child, things are gonna get easier

昂首闊步吧 ooh 孩子 未來會更明亮的
Keep ya head up, ooh, child, things'll get brighter

[Verse 2]

Aiyyo, 我記得馬文蓋伊*7以前習慣對我唱歌
Aiyyo, I remember Marvin Gaye used to sing to me

He had me feelin' like black was the thing to be
And suddenly the ghetto didn't seem so tough

雖然生活常常不盡人意 但我們總是能有擁有足夠的
And though we had it rough, we always had enough

我以前總是和朋友混在一起 偶爾觸犯校規*10
I huffed and puffed about my curfew and broke the rules
要逃跑也是一起 有時抽一兩根菸
Ran with the local crew and had a smoke or two

And I realize Momma really paid the price

She nearly gave her life to raise me right

And all I had to give her was my pipe dream

Of how I'd rock the mic and make it to the bright screen

I'm tryin' to make a dollar out of fifteen cents

但是違法的是本來就不能合法 而我還無力償還租約*13
It's hard to be legit and still pay the rent

到了最後 我還是只能拿著那一吋短的鉛筆*14
And in the end it seems I'm headin' for the pen

我試著找過我的朋友 但多數都已隨風而去*15
I try to find my friends but they're blowin' in the wind
Last night my buddy lost his whole family

我真的需要成為一個真男人 來面對這些瘋狂
It's gonna take the man in me to conquer this insanity

It seems the rain'll never let up

我試著昂首闊步 試著不要把身體躺入這淌渾水*16
I try to keep my head up and still keep from gettin' wet up

你知道 雨要下總是傾盆 就是這麼好玩*17
You know it's funny when it rains it pours

政府有錢能打仗 沒錢能餵飽窮人
They got money for wars but can't feed the poor

人們老是說年輕人都沒有什麼希望 還說事實就是 
Say there ain't no hope for the youth and the truth is

It ain't no hope for the future

And then they wonder why we crazy

I blame my mother for turning my brother into a crack baby

彷彿暗示著我們生死早已有定 該死就是該死
We ain't meant to survive cause it's a setup

And even though you're fed up

Huh, 你還是得昂首闊步
Huh, ya got to keep your head up

[Refrain x2]

[Verse 3]

And uh, to all the ladies havin' babies on they own

我知道日子有點苦 而你感到很孤單
I know it's kinda rough and you're feelin' all alone

爸爸離開家很久了 只剩下你和你的寂寞
Daddy's long gone and he left you by your lonesome

感謝上帝給了我孩子 就算沒有人想要他們
Thank the Lord for my kids, even if nobody else want 'em

Cause I think we can make it, in fact, I'm sure

還有如果你跌倒了 重新站起來就好 還要再度挑戰 別放棄
And if you fall, stand tall and come back for more

Cause ain't nothin' worse than when your son

Wants to know why his daddy don't love him no mo'

You can't complain you was dealt this

獨自一人承受 沒有男人 感到如此的無助
Hell of a hand without a man, feelin' helpless

因為還有太多的事妳得面對了 妳沒時間抱怨
Because there's too many things for you to deal with

就算心裡已枯死 但妳依舊看起來無所畏懼
Dyin' inside, but outside you're looking fearless

While tears is rollin' down your cheeks

Ya steady hopin' things don't fall down this week

因為如果發生了 妳無法面對 而妳也不能怪我
Cause if it did, you couldn't take it, and don't blame me

I was given this world I didn't make it

現在我兒子*19已經越長越大 越來越冷漠
And now my son's gettin' older and older and cold

From havin' the world on his shoulders

While the rich kids is drivin' Benz

I'm still tryin' to hold on to surviving friends

對 這世界太瘋狂了 而且看起來永遠不會好轉 但
And it's crazy, it seems it'll never let up, but

拜託, 請你繼續昂首闊步
Please, you got to keep your head up

*1 2Pac在強調黑是很美麗的。這句話可能是來是 Jungle Brothers的歌曲"Black Woman"的歌詞"the darker the berry, the sweeter the juice"。同時The Blacker the Berry也是Wallace Thurman的小說,描寫黑人生活的。

*2 這裡不是真的指肢體上的拳腳相向,比較是語言上的暴力

*3 Clown當動詞,嘲笑

*4 不用相信他,因為妳自己知道自己的價值

*5 get our game不是指得到遊戲喔,Rap Genius上面說這裡的Game當作扶養長大。說真的,Game這個詞會是多受黑人青睞...有超多用法的...

*6 Kill for women源自Malcolm X的演講,說道"respect our woman, protect our woman (…) if someone molests our woman, we will kill you for our woman”

*7 Marvin Gaye,靈魂歌手 

*8 這裡不太會翻,可能不太正確

*9 ghetto,說自己嘻哈當然要知道這個字。Ghetto原本是指二戰時的猶太貧民,後來黑人以此自稱。

*10 huff and puff不是很會翻,可能不太正確

*11 pipe dream是白日夢。Rap Genius說這邊有個文字遊戲是pipe和rock的關係,可是這我真的不懂了,也沒查到。

*12 這是最頭痛的註解...這句話的意思就是販毒。毒品的氾濫由西岸開始到東岸,最嚴重的氾濫是在紐約。太多窮人想要致富了,所以就靠這個方法想賺點quick money。因為80年代初期毒品的擴散,使純古柯鹼的價格大大下跌,毒犯又發現了一個新招是把可樂和蘇打粉一起煮成Crack cocaine(快克)。所以就能用15分錢這樣的低廉成本賺到一塊錢的利潤。這一句令一個可能的意思就只是他有一些大麻,想賣掉賺點錢。

*13 他無法靠這樣種違法的行為賺到錢,甚至負債

*14 Pen是監獄的俚語。可是我翻這樣是為了向宋岳庭致敬!!

*15 不是說他朋友背叛他啦,是說他朋友不是被抓就是被幹掉了

*16 我發現這其實滿直白的,反正就是不想再繼續和暴力還有犯罪牽扯上關係了。

*17 禍不單行啦,不是說美國永遠只有大雨沒有小雨

*18 他不是自願出生在這種「社會」中,所以其實他是藉著不要罵他來表示貞的禍首是社會本身。真有社會學素養。

*19 gas up是說謊呼嚨的意思