2014年11月10日 星期一

Eric. B & Rakim - I Ain't No Joke

2006年MTV選出史上最棒的嘻哈專輯 Paid In Full(1987)是由嘻哈傳奇 Rakim和Eric B組成的團體 "Eric B and Rakim"製作、演唱,同時Rakim也是MTV票選史上最強MC第四名。

Rakim(1968-)是R&B歌手Ruth Brown的姪子,18歲開始接觸嘻哈文化。Eric B帶他去Marley Marl的錄音室錄了Eric B is President。
當時Rakim自稱"Kid Wizard",1986年接觸了伊斯蘭國度(Nation of Islam),後來加入了5% Nation,改稱Rakim Allah。


更多Rakim的故事會在接下來他其他的歌提到! 這次就讓我們來聽他跟Eric B的代表作之一: I Ain't No Joke.

[Verse 1]
我可不是在開玩笑, 我以前都把麥克風搞到冒煙
I ain't no joke, I used to let the mic smoke
現在我唱完都會用力摔爆麥克風, 確認真的被我搞爆了
Now I slam it when I'm done and make sure it's broke
當我下台以後 沒有人可以上台, 因為我不准他們這樣做
When I'm gone no one gets on cuz I won't let
Nobody press up and mess up the scene I set
我喜歡站在人群中間, 看他們對我的歌詞感到狐疑
I like to stand in a crowd and watch the people wonder damn
But think about it then you'll understand
I'm just an addict addicted to music*1
或許這就是我的天性, 我必須常常嗑點音樂
Maybe it's a habit, I gotta use it
就算是爵士或Quiet storm
Even if it's jazz or the Quiet storm*2
我都能配上拍子, 將它轉換成嘻哈的形式
I hook a beat up convert it in a hip-hop form
在每個有我出現的表演裡, 我把韻腳藏在我的塗鴉裡
Write a rhyme in graffitti in every show you see me in*3
你最好專心一點, 因為我可不是個喜劇演員
Deep concentration cuz I'm no comedian
如果你想要被馴服的話, 小丑可是很狂野的
Jokers are wild if you wanna be tame
我會把你當小朋友看待, 再把你變成我-
I treat you like a child then you're gonna be named*4
-另一個敵人, 甚至不是朋友
Another enemy, not even a friend of me
因為你終究會被搞得很難看, 如果你自稱是我的對手
Cuz you'll get fried in the end if you pretend to be
Competing cuz I just put your mind on pause
而且當拿你的韻腳和我的比較, 我會痛宰你
And I can beat you when you compare my rhyme wit yours
把你搖醒之後, 當我盯著你看, 你只有一臉震驚
I wake you up and as I stare in your face you seem stunned*5
記得我嗎? 你所有靈感的來源
Remember me, the one you got your idea from?
但你馬上會開始被凌遲, 聲調變得粗糙
But soon you start to suffer the tune'll get rougher
當你開始結巴, 就是你已無法承受之時
When you start to stutter, that's when you had enough of*6
繼續囫圇吞棗只會讓你噎到, 你無法激怒我
Biting it will make you choke, you can't provoke
你無法應付, 你應該已經被打爆了
You can't cope, you should have broke
Because I ain't no joke

[Verse 2]
I got a question as serious as cancer
Who can keep the average dancer*18
亢奮得像是得了心臟病, 但沒人在笑
Hyper as a heart attack nobody smiling
Cause you're expressing the rhyme that I'm styling
This is what we all sit down to write
You can't make it so you take it home, break it and bite
把所有的hip hop經典拆得零零碎碎
Use pieces and bits of all the hip-hop hits
不斷練習各種風格  時機成熟時就拿出來使用
Get the style down pat then it's time to switch
按下暫停 從我的錄音帶裏擷取歌詞到你的歌曲裡
Put my tape on pause and add some more to yours
Then you figure you're ready for the neighborhood tours
The E-M-C-E-E don't even try to be*7
當你想來跟我搭話 別想要唬爛我
When you come up to speak, don't even lie to me
You like to exaggerate, dream and imaginate
那你最好別偷我韻腳 那會惹毛我
Then change the rhyme around, that can aggravate me
所以當你看到我出現 站住別動
So when you see me, come up, freeze
Or you'll be one of those seven emcees*8
黑特們以為我是個新手 但其實是他們不懂
They think that I'm a new jack but only if they knew that
They who think wrong are they who can't do that
可是他們辦不到 只會自取滅亡
Style that I'm doing, they might ruin
Patterns of paragraphs based on you and
-落拍DJ, 如果你的DJ放了任何耳熟的歌
Your offbeat DJ, if anything he play
我會等Eric B說
Sound familiar, I'll wait til E say
「播下去」 然後我就會砲火全開
Play 'em, so I'm a have to dis and broke
You could get a smack for this
I ain't no joke*9

[Verse 3]
我一拿到麥克風就不會放下 I hold the microphone like a grudge*10
Eric B 摸著唱片 所以唱針不會移動 B'll hold the record so the needle don't budge*11
如此創新 導致我充滿爭議
I hold a conversation cause when I invent
I nominated my DJ the president*12
當我說唱時, 我會保持思緒靈活, 從容而穩定
When I emcee, I'll keep a freestyle, going steadily
所以噘起嘴 用口哨吹出我的旋律
So pucker up and whistle my melody*13
但無論你在做什麼, 別錯過任何一個字
But whatever you do, don't miss one
They'll be another rough rhyme after this one
在你理解之前, 你會緊跟著歌詞並且為之著迷
Before you know it, you're following and fiending
Waiting for the punchline to get the meaning
Like before the middle of my story I'm telling
沒人能夠敵過Rakim, 所以別再抱怨了
Nobody beats the R*14 , so stop yelling
把歌詞記下來, 放進你的口袋以備日後使用
Save it, put it in your pocket for later
因為我即將要撼動群眾 Eric B則是個唱片玩家
Cause I'm moving the crowd and B a record fader*15
No interruptions and the mic is broke
當我離開之後 你才能開玩笑
When I'm gone, then you can joke
Cause everything is real on a serious tip*16
Keep playing and I get furious quick
And I'll take you for a walk through hell
Freeze your dome, then watch your eyeballs swell
Guide you out of triple stage darkness*17
當黑暗再次降臨, 我會再度點燃這支麥克風
When it get dark again then I'm a spark this
你看見煙竄出, 火焰正熊熊的燒著
Microphone cause the heat is on, you see smoke
等到這beat結束之後 我就下台了
And I'm finished when the beat is gone
I'm no joke

*1 Rakim最經典的譬喻法。 出自Rakim早期的成名曲"Microphone Fiend"(麥克風狂)

*2 Quiet Storm(寧靜浪潮,查無中文現存譯名)是流行於70年代到80年代的一種深夜廣播電台形式,主要播放Slow Jam(抒情慢舞音樂)。自從Rakim寫下這句歌詞之後,Quiet Storm就開始大量被取樣。 Mobb Deep也有一首歌叫做Queit Storm。

▼Mobb Deep - Quiet Storm
▼Quiet Storm的風格:
Freddie Jackson - You Are My Lady

延伸:Quiet Storm簡介

*3 Rakim早年時,有一本寫滿韻腳的秘笈本,但是他有次卻搞丟了!不過他早就把他的韻腳藏在他的塗鴉之中。這在1990年推出的單曲"Let Rhythme Hit'Em"裡面有提到。(好啦其實我不確定他的意思是他用塗鴉的字型寫下這些韻腳還是把韻腳寫在塗鴉之中ㄏㄏ)

*4 Rakim在玩"name"這個字的文字遊戲。 name當動詞有命名和指定/任命的意思,而只有爸媽會給小孩子命名。也就是說Rakim會命名他們(把他們當小孩子看),同時'named another enemy',把他們當成敵人來看。

*5 "When I star in your face you seem stunned""Remember me, The one you got your idea from?" 這句被RZA取樣,編在Big Punisher的專輯 Capital Punishment 中的 "Tres Leches(Triboro Trilogy) feat. Inspectah Deck, Prodigy"。好聽~ 

*6 不知道大家還記不記得我在Big L的MVP裡提到句中韻的先鋒是Rakim?我可沒有唬爛喔,注意這句的"Suffer"跟"Rougher",正是句中韻的使用!

*7 EMCEE就是MC啦~MC有很多種說法,Master of Ceremonies, Microphone Controller, Microphone Checker... 而emcee是一種常見的拼法,本身是主持的意思。

*8 7 emcees是出自同專輯的另一首歌 "My Melody" 裡面提到饒舌生涯被Rakim打敗的歌手。(我還沒聽所以不知道是誰ㄏㄏ)

▼Eric B & Rakim - My Melody

*9 "You could get a smack for this. I ain't no joke"
這句歌詞有一個很瞎的故事。 1998年E.P.M.D.發表單曲 "You're A Customer"裡面寫道:

"It’s like a Diggum Smack
就像是Duiggum Smack(麥片品牌)
Smack me and I’ll smack you back"

很明顯的是對Rakim這句歌詞的回擊。 Rakim後來在另一首歌 "Follow the Leader"中回應:

別再煩說哥煩他, 我從來沒有做過
"Stop buggin' a brother said dig him, I never dug him
他不能堅持跟著隊長, 所以我只好拖他進去-
He couldn’t follow the leader long enough so I drug him
Into danger zone he should arrange his own
面對它, 這是很簡單的, 砍掉或是改變你的腔調
Face it, it’s basic, erase or change your tone"

然後Nas(有夠多事),在他的歌曲 "Unauthorized Biography of Rakim"(被Rakim嗆說Nas太多閒,他不知道Nas幹嘛寫這首歌)中寫道:

EMPD丟了首歌, 滿屌的
"EPMD put a record out, was dope
氣氛變的肅殺, 然後我引用了「甩我巴掌我會甩回去」
Tension spread, and I quote "Smack me and I smack you back"
聽起來像是對 I Ain't No Joke的回覆
Sounded like the answer to the I Ain’t No Joke track"

但是! 事實的真相到底是什麼呢?事實的真相就是EMPD真的只是在寫早餐麥片,根本沒有要嗆Rakim...... (短評:Nas太閒ㄌㄏㄏ)

*10 grudge我查到的意思是怨恨、妒忌,反正大概的意思就是拿到麥克風就不想放下來吧ㄏ

*11 這句有兩種意思:
1. Eric B會 "hold" the record(用手停住唱片),所以needle(唱針)不會移動
2. Eric B會 "hold" the record(保持紀錄),後面needle don't budge意思一樣

*12 後來Rakim就寫了一首 "Eric B is President"

*13 這邊又在暗示自己的My Melody

*14 "Nobody beats the R"是改編 The Wiz,一間電子用品店(大概像燦坤吧)的廣告詞 "Nobody beats the Wiz"。 Biz Markie也有一首歌叫做 Nobody beats the Biz

*15 fader是crossfader的簡稱。crossfader又是什麼呢?就是DJ的mixer中間那顆左右搖擺,控制是左還是右邊唱盤輸出聲音。

*16 tip的意思我不太確定,也就是這句話我不太確定這樣翻對不對。

*17 Triple Stage Darkness是5% Nation的用語(不知道5% Nation的請回顧Wu-Tang的Triumph),三個階段分別是:心靈上的聾、啞、瞎。

*18 這裏的Dancer暗指Turbo B,他偷Rakim韻腳